The meal is an opportunity to get to know better a person, hence to work better together.
Food helps to release emotions, which drive action to make decisions faster. When do you start mastering the art of business meal ? More than a pleasure or entertainment, gastronomy participates in non-verbal communication. My introductory and improvment masterclasses are based on the interviews and academic research I conduct.
Anthropologist Edward T. Hall explains how sharing informal information that is not related to immediate business accelerates decision-making. If the « power lunch » was born in 1979 under the leadership of Alex Von Bitter, director of the Four Seasons in Manhattan, the business meal took a hit in the wing. I explain why I decided to go against the current!
In a first part I defined what gastronomy is and why it enriches his professional relationships. Many professionals in the sector do not even distinguish cuisine from gastronomy and yet…
- Cooking concerns the preparation of the meal
- Gastronomy the art of tasting. More « precisely the reasoned knowledge of all that relates to man, in so far as he feeds himself” according to Patrick Rambourg, food historian.
In a second part I recalled the best practices of the professional meal by sharing the keys
- to choose your restaurant
- To communicate the right message through non-verbal communication
- To learn how to listen and ask the right questions.
Throughout the 20th century researchers studied emotions to prove their impact on decision-making. This causal link between emotions and decision-making has been affirmed since 1994 by neuropsychologist Antonio Damasio. Gastronomy is a universal language that allows us to understand the personality of our interlocutor. We must pay attention to it.

Gastronomy is an underestimated asset in your professional success. Make your salesteam save time learning in a few hours how to better understand people & better work with them.
Empowerment : why and how gastronomy help you gain confidence. Leadership : the basics of communication and the art of asking the right questions. Culture : boost your conversation throughout historical meals & gourmet artists.