Whether the gastronomy concerns Michelin stars or popular cultures, excellence is always in ! Different from the nobility, quality is at hand. Guillaume Gomez is the first ambassador dedicated to gastronomy and food in the world. While he travels the world to make French gastronomy & culture shine, he also supports national actions to promote gastronomy and educate any audiences to excellence.

The meal is at the heart of events and professional relationships. My workshops target sales team, managers and entrepreneurs who want to empower their brand image and network. An idea for your next seminar ?
EMPOWERMENT : gain confidence thanks to gastronomy LEADERSHIP : use meals to better understand people & better work FRENCH CULTURE : enrich know-how throughout history & art.

« Yves Candeborde was one of the first to launch his bistro after running a gastronomic restaurant. The philosophy of doing well doesn’t depend on the price. The price must be coherent to the work, the product and the means given.
The issue is not price but quality. Quality has a price but above all a cost. Luxury and fine dining built the French reputation. From the moment you are associated to « France », even if your cheese is unknown, you are part of the family of cheeses of France.»
« Food education is a very serious issue. 18% of those under 21 are obese in France. These are the figures of open Agrifood (30% in the USA) It costs 40 billion euros each year to French social security. As a restaurant owner, consumer, wholesaler and agri-food producer, everyone must be aware of this and make things change. »