I interview people from various industries to understand the importance of meals in their professional lives. Learn from leaders how to turn gastronomy into a precious soft skill.
In this second part of my interview Jean-François Mesplède explains how Michelin inspectors rated restaurants when he was Michelin Guide France director.

Trained as a sports journalist, he began writing for the magazine l’Hôtellerie restauration and created the guide Lyon Restaurants. Jean-François Mesplède wrote several books including Trois étoiles au Michelin (Three Michelin stars).
In this second video Jean-Francois Mesplède reminds the methodology of Michelin inspectors to rate restaurants when he was director from 2005 to 2008. According to him some mythical restaurants have lost the third star because they no longer meet the new criteria. Nevertheless a special star should be created for institutions like Haeberlin in Alsace or Bocuse in Collonges. To the question « why are there fewer starred women, Jean-François Mesplède replies that women inherently need to shine less than men. What do you think ?

Gastronomy is an underestimated asset in your professional success. Make your salesteam save time learning in a few hours how to better understand people & better work with them.
Empowerment : why and how can gastronomy help you gain confidence. Leadership : the basics of communication and the art of asking the right questions. Culture : boost your conversation throughout historical meals & gourmet artists.